This sentiment is reflected in "Alright," too - particularly the contrast of the bright, optimistic, communal chorus against the dark, self-critical and solitary verses: "I can see the evil, I can tell it, I know it's illegal / I don't think about it, I deposit every other zero." There's a powerlessness here, as even Lamar, who at this point in his career was positioned as the rapper, succumbs to apathy and greed. This isn't going to change anything.' And walk away," she said. "It's so easy to say 'my cousin was murdered, I'm done. In the aftermath, Middleton said she wanted to leave her work, her ministry, her activism, shut the door to the world and people around her. including Reverend DePayne Middleton Doctor, Waltrina Middleton's cousin. On June 17, 2015, a white nationalist shot and killed nine black people inside Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S. In the song's prechorus, Lamar lays this feeling out succinctly. And I think that 'Alright' is definitely one of those records that makes you feel good no matter what the times are." "Four hundred years later, we still need that music to heal. "Four hundred years ago, as slaves, we prayed and sung joyful songs to keep our heads level-headed with what was going on," Lamar said. Similarly, Lamar told NPR in a 2015 interview that he was thinking about the history of chattel slavery in America. The author of the upcoming book Promise That You Will Sing About Me: The Power and Poetry of Kendrick Lamar, Lewis interviewed Lamar after the release of To Pimp a Butterfly and learned the artist was inspired to write "Alright" by a trip to South Africa - specifically the cell on Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned. "Maybe it's the ancestors who never received the justice they deserved," says Miles Marshall Lewis. The dah dah dahs that make up those chords are Williams' own disembodied voice, running constantly through the song. One of the bystanders also asked for this information. People started gathering at the scene, holding up their phones to record.Īccording to the incident report, officers asked the 14-year-old for his mother's name and address, which he gave to them. "I'm standing on the steps," she says, "and all of a sudden, the crowd went from of folks saying goodbye to, 'Oh, something's happening.' " It had been less than a year since police shot and killed Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old who was playing with an Airsoft gun outside a rec center, in the very same city. Middleton could make out that something was going on. In surveillance and body cam tape released by the Greater Cleveland Authority Regional Transit Police, you can see the cop take the kid off the bus and handcuff him inside a sheltered bus stop.

Inside, a police officer was detaining a black 14-year-old suspected of drinking alcohol. At the same time people were saying their goodbyes with hugs and kisses, a bus was coming across campus.

The conference ended on a Sunday afternoon.